"Memoirs of a Wannabe Sex Addict" is a collection of short erotic stories written by Julia Morizawa and published by Fanny Press. It is available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon; paperback and Nook at Barnes & Noble; and e-book on Smashwords.
"Morizawa’s debut collection of erotica is an impressive read with an array of identifiable characters connecting to the darker side of the feminine." - Axie Barclay, Sacramento Book Review
Morizawa is a first-rate writer. The quality of the writing blends literate prose with an accessible style that few authors can manage." - Ashley Lister, Erotica Revealed
"This book is skillfully written. Julia is brave to open herself to the world and bare her story. The erotic passages of this book take you out of your element. It is as if you are there and it is not Julia who this story is unfolding on…. Memoirs of a Wannabe Sex Addict sheds light on real issues, real people and real sex. Julia does a wonderful job of portraying all three, as well as hoping that others find their way just as she has.” - Tiffany Schlarman, ReaderViews.com
Every woman has a story. But not every woman will tell it. Memoirs of a Wannabe Sex Addict is a brutally honest and fearless retelling of one girl’s sex-capades. Each short story is a vignette taken from her life—the ups, the downs, and everything in between. In a search for belonging and purpose, she explores men and women, submission and dominance, prostitution and commitment. But what will she find? As “The Slave” she learns that she is afraid to love or be loved. As “The Addict” she finds power in impressing her pimp by having sex for money. As “The Foreigner,” she discovers that fantasies are best sought after on the other side of the world. And, one by one, each experience forces this girl to grow up. Julia Morizawa exposes an arousing world of sexual freedom colored by the vulnerability and complex emotions that go hand in hand. This book is a must-read for any woman who has searched for herself by using— and abusing—her body. And for anyone who has emerged at the other side, having found so much more.
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